Taiwan Water, Fountain of Life
The Far Eastern Group donated EcoARK Parvilion to the Taipei City Government after the Flora Expo ended. Over the years, EcoARK has hosted numerous event, the most prominent of which was the 2015 Taiwan Water, Fountain of Life exhibition.
Regarded as the most impressive water exhibition in the world, the Far Eastern Group's Taiwan Water, Fountain of Life exhibition was inspired by Water, Taku Satoh's exhibition in Tokyo. Upon seeing Water, Chairman Douglas Tong Hsu professed a sense of awe, saying,
"Every element of the exhibition was designed to make you understand how serious water shortage will become in the future."
The experience inspired Hsu to curate a water exhibition for Taiwan. Coincidentally, the spring of 2015 saw the most serious water shortage that Taiwan had faced in nearly seven decades, and later that year, the country suffered from widespread flooding and water cutoffs when typhoon Soudelor hit. Spurred by the unfortunate events, the Far Eastern Group moved ahead quickly in the hope that the exhibition would raise public awarenedss of the importance of water resources and water conservation.
Featuring storm and desert imagery and interactive installations, Taiwan Water, Foundatin of Life explores the problem if water scarcuty in Taiwan. The exhibition also hosted a seriues of "FE Talks" in support of Taiwanese public speakers addressing issues pertaining to water resources and to promote water conservation efforts.
To celebrate the 2016 World Water Day and promote the theme of Water and Jobs, the Group worked with its NGO partners to curate a spin-off exhibition called the Future of Water and New Career Opportunities featuring board games and escapt room games such as Future Careers in Water and Advantures of a Modern-day Luffy (the protagonist of a manga series) to help educate parents and children on the importance and value of the work done by water resource professionals.
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