

Polyester Materials


Polyester Materials

As a global leader in the production of performance materials where the application covers wide ranges of consumer needs. The vertical integrated system of production and sales over Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Japan and US, etc has made FEG a transcontinental conglomerate.

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Far Eastern New Century Corporation

Leader of Performance Materials

FENC is the leading global virgin and recycled polyester supplier, its products include polyester chip, bottles, films, fiber etc. where can be used in health care, food and beverages, computers, communications, and consumer electronics, vehicle manufacture and transportation, and clothing. With its full vertical integration and R&D capability, FENC is one of the top choices as a supplier of materials for major international brands.

Innovative, Sustainable and Smart Textile Manufacturer

Everest Textile Co., Ltd.

Innovative, Sustainable and Smart Textile Manufacturer

Southern Taiwan’s largest streamlined manufacturer of textiles, Everest Textile, sets up and operates vertically integrated, automated, smart weaving, knitting, dyeing, and garment-production facilities in six countries in Asia, the Americas, and Africa.


Far Eastern Ishizuka Green PET Corporation

Top Recycled PET Producer in Japan

FIGP produces food-grade R-PET resins from wasted PET bottles. Its plant is located at Ibaraki Pref. in Japan since 2014, and FIGP shall be the biggest R-PET plant in Japan to handle at most 270KT local waste bottles with 190KT rPET capacity when the expansion is completed by 2024.


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