

Far Eastern Resource Development Co. Ltd.
Far Eastern Resource Development Co. Ltd.


Far Eastern Resource Development Co. Ltd.

Development, sales and lease of real estates


To vitalize the Group‘s many land assets, FERD has accelerated its projects such as Taipei Far Eastern Telecom Park and extended its reach into real estate management, construction and design.

Main Service

To effectively utilize land resources in order to achieve higher investment performance at a time when the Taiwanese economy is restructuring, FENC consolidated approximately 66 hectares of company properties in 2003. In the same year, the Company established Far Eastern Resource Development Co.  (hereinafter referred to as FERD) to be in charge of real estate development, leasing, as well as property management.

FENC Resource Development


Taipei Far Eastern Telecom Park (Tpark)

Located in the Banqiao District, New Taipei City, Tpark is Taiwan's first privately-developed telecom park. It occupies 24 hectares of land and is designed to be Taiwan's first R&D metropolitan center. The park aims to give its tenants clustered R&D synergy, and an excellent working and living space.


智在四方 融合智慧科技達成永續發展

T-Park achieves sustainability development by integrating smart technology

Tpark aims to become an ICT R & D innovation platform to promote Taiwan's next wave of economic development, take into account environmental sustainability, and improve the quality of life of the people.


ECO PARK Provides a Safety Home for You

The ECO PARK can withstand strong earthquakes of magnitude 6 or above without damage, ensuring the safety of residents' lives and properties in all aspects. 


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