

Arcoa Communication Co., Ltd.
Arcoa Communication Co., Ltd.

Telecom and Technology

Arcoa Communication Co., Ltd.

New products, New applications and Hearty Services


Arcoa has comprehensively developed services including FET franchise stores, prepaid card for foreign labor business, mobile maintenance services and logistics services and continues to meet various service needs of customers.

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Multi Angle Operation and Value Added Services

The new mission of arcoa is to become the most trusted partner in the telecommunications and retail industry through "new products, new applications and heart services".



High Satisfaction in in-Store Repair Service

To provide quality and efficient after-sale maintenance and repair service and to achieve our goal of generating higher customer satisfaction than industry competitors, Arcoa conducts "telephone customer satisfaction survey for completed repair" within one week after completing the maintenance/repair for customers.



arcoa's EcoPower

arcoa has been adopting the concept of green environment-friendly stores, and is taking steps to replace old air conditioner units with inverter models and using T5 energy-saving lighting equipment. Arcoa's Neihu offices continue to replace worn air conditioning units. 


Corporate Social Responsibility

The CSR actions and promises of arcoa can be found in FarEasTone Sustainability Report.

FET Sustainability Report

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